Tech Corner - Volume 2
Tech Corner - Volume 2 07/03/2019

Light weight Facades and hidden fastening

In the interest of design and construction of facades through low embodied energy methods, lighter products are being considered more often than ever.  A relevant and comprehensive article was recently published in the June issue of Construction Canada titled Light and Thin Facades. The challenge with lighter & Thinner facade products is they often do not have the mass to which to fasten to with traditional methods (fasteners). While there are some new developments in the arena of fasteners, one system is growing in popularity through successful means - bonding agents. In the world of manufacturing we have been bonding for a considerable time and bonding dissimilar materials together with success since the 1950s.
Minoru Aquatic Centre
Minoru Aquatic Centre 07/17/2019
Now open and designed by HCMA Architecture + Design, the 110,000 sq ft new Minoru Aquatic Centre in Richmond, BC features approximately 21,000 sq ft of Equitone’s Natura Pro high density fibre cement.  
Tech Corner - Volume 1
Tech Corner - Volume 1 05/01/2019

Standard Manufacturer’s Warranty Vs Expected Lifespan

by Jeff Ker, Sr Technical Advisor at EA

Over the years I have often been asked about the manufacturer’s warranty on a given product.
The short answer is often quite simple.  Ten years is typical for many of the products represented by Engineered Assemblies.
What is the expected lifespan is something I’m seldom asked, but often volunteer.

VRCA's Supplier of the Year Award goes to...
VRCA's Supplier of the Year Award goes to... 10/29/2018
Oct 26, 2018 - Vancouver, British Columbia.  Engineered Assemblies was honoured with the GOLD VRCA (Vancouver Regional Construction Association) Award for Manufacturers and Suppliers of the year category for contributions to the Langara College Science and Technology Building.  
Engineered Assemblies Inc. doesn’t want a bigger piece of the pie. It wants a bigger pie.
Engineered Assemblies Inc. doesn’t want a bigger piece of the pie. It wants a bigger pie. 06/26/2018
Engineered Assemblies Inc. doesn’t want a bigger piece of the pie. It wants a bigger pie. For the lightweight exterior cladding company, that means bolstering the entire industry, competitors included.
Thoughtful restoration in mid-town Toronto
Thoughtful restoration in mid-town Toronto 07/31/2018

Architecture in Toronto, as an inanimate witness to our history, has as many stories as it has buildings. We have as many as 2,500 high rises that are 30 to 50 years or older, all from a time when the cost of energy was a fraction of what it is now.